Sunday, January 3, 2016


Well, I was all prepared to do the belly bump & update for 37 weeks...but our baby boy had a little different scenario in mind!

I figured now that he is 3 weeks old, I'll sit down & write my labor story...while it's still in my memory (with some snippets from my hubs where my memory is foggy!).

My due date is here, and I sit here staring at my beautiful, perfect boy. I cannot believe that he came early, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

Labor & Delivery!

My husband and I were pretty behind on getting the nursery ready....mostly because we know he won't be sleeping in there anytime soon, especially since his room is upstairs & ours is downstairs.  We finally went to Target & bought a crib and a dresser and my father came over to help get everything put together.  It was a completely normal day, I'd had no signs of labor and other than a little more back pain than usual, I felt fine!  We got the furniture together, had dinner, watched some basketball, my dad left and finally, around 11 or 11:30, we laid down to go to sleep.  I was 36 weeks pregnant so obviously, falling asleep wasn't coming easy anymore!  It took me about 30 minutes to get nice & comfortable, and then I felt a "pop" and thought I needed to pee.  I got up, went to the bathroom, and headed back to bed.  As soon as my head hit the pillow I felt another "pop" and felt my underwear get wet.  There isn't a good way to sugar coat that...I was sure I'd peed my pants!  However, since I'd just been to the bathroom, I was fairly certain that couldn't be the case.  I ran to the bathroom and more came out.  It took a second before I was yelling for my husband (who was ALMOST asleep) and telling him that I thought my water had broken.  I knew that we would need to go to the hospital sooner than if I'd just started feeling contractions, but since I hadn't felt a single contraction, I didn't want to rush to the hospital.  I even laid back down thinking that I could sleep. But as soon as I laid down I felt what I can only describe as period cramps and we chose to go ahead and get ready to go to the hospital.  I had no idea if those were contractions but we wanted to be safe.

We got to the hospital around 2 am (I was officially 37 weeks at this point) and were immediately admitted.  I was told that I wouldn't be able to get up & move around because my water had broken.  When I was admitted I was 2 cm dilated, so we were prepared for a LONG day.  I just knew it would take all day (though I should've known better, I also just knew I was going to go past my due date!).  We sat in the labor & delivery room with my contractions being pretty mild for about 2 hours before I started feeling some pretty intense pain.  The nurse was telling me about my pain management options, and I told her that while I wanted the epidural, I really wanted to be farther along in labor before I got it.  So I was given meds to dull the pain a little.  When these didn't work (at this point I was making Chris watch the monitor to tell me when my contractions were ending so I could have a moment of relief), the nurse came back in and asked if I wanted the epidural, I told her "well I really don't want to look like a wuss".  I seriously was avoiding feeling relief because I didn't want to look weak.  The nurse reminded me I don't have to be a hero if it is hurting, and the pain was getting VERY intense, so I told her to go ahead, I was ready for some relief.  While the epidural was being placed, the nurse & anesthesiologist were discussing whether or not I was going to be one of "those" women.  Of course, I was thinking they meant that the epidural wasn't going to take, or something worse, but they meant one of those women who comes in and has a baby within a few hours.  They asked about my contractions & I told the nurse that I'd felt at one point like my body was about to start pushing...whether I was ready or not.  She told me that if I felt like that again, to tell her, because my body may be telling me it's time to push.  I obviously freaked out just a little.  I was so thankful to have gotten the epidural and needed it to start ASAP because I was afraid he was coming quickly! The nurse came back in and checked me, with my contractions feeling the way they did she figured I had progressed pretty rapidly.  By 6 am, I'd gone from 2 to 9 centimeters...the nurse actually checked me and said "I can't feel your cervix...." I was getting pretty nervous.  The delivery process had always been the scariest part...but at least the epidural was magic and I wasn't in pain.
At around 7 or 7:30 there was a shift change and a new nurse came in, however the first nurse decided to stay and help out as well.  They informed me that the doctor would be there in about an hour.  I was going to be a mom soon!  Around 8:30 they told me I was 10 centimeters...they had me push a few times before the doctor arrived, I started around 8:40 and my perfect little man entered the world at 9:15 AM! It was the most magical experience, I cannot believe that I was so worried!

I will say that the most challenging thing that we have dealt with thus far has been bilirubin/jaundice. Because he was born 3 weeks early, he was more likely to develop jaundice.  His levels got to a dangerous place, so we were admitted to the NICU.  He was placed under the lights, and on a "bili-blanket" to get his numbers back down.  I was an absolute mess, I couldn't believe that we had to take our little boy back to the hospital within 2 days of going home.  Now that we are home and he's healthy, I'm so incredibly thankful that they had us take him in.  The nurses & doctors were so amazing with us.

The past few weeks have been the hardest but most rewarding of my life.  I wanted to be a mother for so long, it's an absolute dream!  Being a mom is so special...every time my little man looks at me & smiles I am so incredibly proud of what my husband & I made! :)

Well....this was a particularly long one...but I wanted to make sure I got it all down so that I always have something to look back at!

Hopefully I'll be able to post again soon, but life with a newborn is always an adventure! Ha!


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Week 35 & 36 Updates

I'm definitely the worst at this. :) But here are my updates for last week & this week!

How far along? 35 weeks & 2 days
Total weight gain: I'm really not confident...I really haven't been weighing myself a lot the last few weeks so I'd been guessing, but I'd say I'm around 28 lbs. gained!
Maternity clothes? Haven't worn anything maternity (other than the belly band) just yet but I have bought a few things!
Stretch marks? None that I've seen!
Sleep: Once I fall asleep...I LOVE my sleep! HA! 
Best moment this week: Childbirth class! It was very informative...though I was the farthest along, so some of the info was stuff I already knew! Oops! :)
Miss anything? Walking like normal, I look so awkward waddling around! 
Movement: Yes, lots!
Food cravings:  None really.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Coffee...well hot coffee, iced coffee is fine!
Gender: Baby boy!!!
Labor signs: None yet!
Symptoms: Heartburn, so much of it. and Lightening!
Belly button in or out? Still mostly in!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, but tired! 
Looking forward to: My in-law's Christmas party & getting to see my friends! Especially the ones coming in from Arkansas!

In my 35 week picture, I wore the poncho I was so incredibly excited to wear for Thanksgiving and then it decided to be way too warm to wear a sweater & poncho.  I ordered it on Goodnight Macaroon, and at the time it was on sale for $44.  Currently it is full price for $88, though the site has sales often! Here is the link, they have a LOT of really cute stuff on the site, check it out!

How far along? 36 weeks (the picture was taken right after midnight so TECHNICALLY I was 36 weeks! Ha!)
Total weight gain: 29 lbs. based on my doctor!
Maternity clothes? I wore my PinkBlush Maternity dress to the Christmas party. I LOVED comfy and I got so many compliments!
Stretch marks? None so far! One of the nurses at my dr. office commented on it at my 36 week appt! 
Sleep: No trouble falling asleep, but I'm up several times to pee.
Best moment this week: My first weekly dr appt. I know I'm nearing the end now!
Miss anything? I miss my clothes fitting. Ha!
Movement: Yes, lots!
Food cravings:  None!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Coffee (hot coffee that is) makes me super nauseous!
Gender: Baby boy!!!
Labor signs: Having Braxton Hicks occasionally, not too much though.
Symptoms: Heartburn & nausea. Lightening still!
Belly button in or out? In! Although it's so close to popping out!
Wedding rings on or off? On during the day...can't sleep with it on anymore, my hands are too swollen in the morning.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, but tired! 
Looking forward to: Finally getting our house decorated for Christmas! Haha!

My 36 week doctor appt. I had my first internal exam to check to see if I'm dilating and all that!  I was so excited, though I know that it being our first child I'm likely to go past my due date, and he still feels like he's in my ribs so I didn't expect anything great.  The doctor also let me know that I was likely to go past my due date, which was a little sad to hear but I knew.  I was told I was 1 cm. dilated and 70% thinned out.  Which she genuinely seemed surprised for one minute I got excited! Haha. Then she told me I could be there for weeks so I'm going to just continue to hope and pray for a Christmas or New Year's Eve baby! I'm very ready to see my baby boy! :)

Alright y'all...I've got a tree that's waiting to be decorated! I'll update you next week after my appt! Expect the update on Tuesday!

See you soon!


Monday, November 30, 2015

Week 34 Update

This is coming a tiny bit late! I'm actually 35 weeks....but I haven't taken a bump picture this week, maybe tomorrow! :)

How far along? 34 weeks & 4 days
Total weight gain: 21-22 lbs.  Probably more with Thanksgiving! :)
Maternity clothes? Still just rocking the belly band! My mother-in-law did get me a couple things from Destination Maternity....I was really hoping to avoid buying any maternity clothes but here we are!
Stretch marks? None that I've seen!
Sleep: I have trouble falling asleep but I'm still sleeping very soundly!
Best moment this week: Wearing my belly band for Thanksgiving....I got to eat as much as I wanted without worry!  Ha!
Miss anything? Not really. 
Movement: Yes, lots!
Food cravings:  Still waffles. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really!
Gender: Baby boy!!!
Labor signs: Some Braxton Hicks but not really.
Symptoms: Heartburn and back pain.
Belly button in or out? In! It's starting to disappear, my husband constantly reminds me of it! Ha!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, but tired! 
Looking forward to: Starting childbirth classes!

I'm officially feeling HUGE! I haven't gained a ton of weight but I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable.  I'm 35 weeks now, I will do this week's update hopefully on Wednesday!

Also, I had an ADORABLE outfit that I had planned on wearing for Thanksgiving and it decided to be way too warm. :(  My Thanksgiving day outfit ended up being a pair of American Eagle leggings, navy tank top, and a red & navy plaid shirt from Kohl's!
Hopefully I'll be able to wear my new outfit on Tuesday and give y'all details! :)

See you soon!!


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Marley Lilly!

Here I am again folks!

I'll have a baby bump update, hopefully Friday!  I've been putting off taking my bump photo so I can also post my Thanksgiving outfit! Killing two birds with one stone folks!

I've been lucky enough to be chosen to be a part of Marley Lilly's blogger review program again this year!  I love Marley Lilly, and often get gifts (both for myself and for family & friends!!) from the site.  This is the best time to write this review, as Black Friday is fast approaching and they ALWAYS have great sales!

Once I was accepted and received my e-mail stating my shipment was on it's way here I decided to look and see what I was getting.  Last year's tassle bracelet made me very nervous...I don't wear a lot of bracelets and tassels are not my favorite BUT I ended up loving it! I was much more open minded this year because of that.

I saw "Long Tassle Necklace" and felt the nerves shoot back up! I wasn't concerned about the tassle part...obviously I loved last year's so I knew I'd probably like this one as well!  It was the "long" part that concerned me.  But once again....I was being dramatic!

I apologize, these aren't my best pictures, but I wanted to get the post up before the holidays so y'all can get the benefits of the Black Friday sales! 

Like I said above, I was worried that because it was so long, I was going to hate it.  And at first...I did!  I put it on and looked down and all I could think was that I looked like a child trying to wear a cowboy's bolo tie. HA!  But once I paired it with something that wasn't just a ratty t-shirt and was MUCH better!  One of the best parts about pairing it with my blanket scarf (by the way, I got that for free from Marley Lilly last year for spending $100 on Black Friday...just saying!) was that it didn't seem nearly as long!  I think that it will look great in the spring/summer months with a cute tank, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it looks with tunics and oversized sweaters (because at 34 weeks pregnant...that's about all I wear!)

My only real complaint about this necklace, and it's going to be a pretty poor complaint considering this was a gift, was that I've recently been much more into gold jewelry, so I'm afraid I won't wear it as often as I would like.  That being said, if it can work with my outfit....I may wear it anyway! :) The necklace is currently on sale for $18.99 and is available in Gold, Silver, Gunmetal, & Brown. You can find it here!

 I figure since I've been all over the Marley Lilly site, I might as well show you a few of my favorite options that are available!

This sweatshirt is probably my favorite thing on the Marley Lilly site right now.... and yes I know it's just a sweatshirt but listen...I dress for comfort these days! It's available in like 13 different colors and it on sale for $39.99 right now! Here is the link to it!

I love this tote!  It may not necessarily be practical but ya know what....I like it! Ha!  It's available in 11 colors and it currently on sale for $34.99.  Here is the link!  Also, if you'd like something smaller, they have adorable clutches! You can find them here!  They are available in 17 colors, and are on sale for $29.99.
There are SO many things that are available on that site!  They also have a boutique shop available for shopping!  Monday Dress has even more to see! :)

There is so much available for you on this site!  Right now, there is so much on sale!  And they've started the Black Friday sale early it seems, the front page of the site shows that for the next 4 days if you spend $100 or more you get a free blanket scarf!  I LOVE these blanket scarves! 

See you soon!!


Monday, November 16, 2015

Weeks 32 & 33 Update

I apologize for the absence.  We had a real time getting internet at our new home & I think I was using that as an excuse to not update! But here I am!! 
I'm in the home stretch y'all! Single digit weeks left.  I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone by, but I've loved it so much! 

How far along? 32 weeks & 4 days
Total weight gain: 19 lbs.  Though it feels like a lot more!
Maternity clothes? Luckily no, it's cooling off enough I've started wearing a lot of leggings, oversized shirts, and when I put my jeans on I wear them REAL low! :) At this point, I'd rather not buy anything but it's not looking good...Ha ha!
Stretch marks? None that I've seen!
Sleep: Not so much having trouble falling asleep....just staying asleep...Reid enjoys laying on my bladder while I try to sleep!
Best moment this week: My weeks are all blending together now, but hearing the heartbeat at the doctor is my favorite thing!
Miss anything? Not really. 
Movement: Yes.  His favorite two bladder...and my ribcage! I have a short torso so not a lot of room for him to move around. Ha!
Food cravings:  Waffles. I could eat waffles every second of the day. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really!
Gender: Baby boy!!!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Heartburn.
Belly button in or out? In! It's starting to disappear, my husband constantly reminds me of it! Ha!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, but tired! 
Looking forward to: My last baby shower!

How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain: 20 lbs. though I think the scale is wrong...feels like a lot more!
Maternity clothes? Just my belly band....though I hardly have to wear it, leggings & sweatpants are my best friends.
Stretch marks? None.
Sleep: Just waking up randomly having to pee, but no problems getting to sleep!
Best moment this week: My last baby shower.  I'm still so amazed at how many people have given us gifts!
Miss anything? Not a thing right now! 
Movement: Moving around all the time, I adore feeling his little movements.  
Food cravings:  Waffles still.  I feel like Leslie Knope! (My fellow Parks & Rec fans will get that!) :)
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!
Gender: Baby boy!!!
Labor signs: A few Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing really.
Symptoms: Heartburn & pregnancy brain!
Belly button in or out? It's fighting to stay in! Ha!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: My last "vacation" to Chicago before the baby arrives!

Hopefully I will be better about updating now that we have our wifi situation figured out!

See y'all soon!


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Week 23 Update

I've been THE WORST at this bump update! Ha!  We've been so busy with building our house that I forget to take a picture!

But here I am, week 23! I'm getting so excited, it feels like time is just flying by!

How far along? 23 weeks & 3 days
Total weight gain: According to the doc, 11 pounds!
Maternity clothes? Nothing yet, but I have to wear my jeans awfully low...I may have to admit defeat and start getting maternity clothes.
Stretch marks? None.
Sleep: Having some trouble getting to sleep, and the pregnancy dreams are SO weird!
Best moment this week: It's probably been the best moment for the last couple weeks, but Chris feeling him move makes me so happy :)
Miss anything? Mimosas. Always mimosas. 
Movement: He moves around all the time! I LOVE feeling him move!
Food cravings:  Penn Station. Which was so weird because I am NOT a fan normally. Ha!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Everything.  Although it may just be heartburn....I'm so dramatic. Haha!
Gender: Baby boy!!!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Heartburn.
Belly button in or out? In! Although it may be popping out sooner than I realized.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, though the hormones may have caused me to break down and cry while putting away dishes one night. Hahahaha!
Looking forward to: Finally closing on our house in the next week or so......& going to Chicago (although I dread the drive!)

Hopefully I'll be able to add some pictures of the house AND a bump update and all that next week!

See y'all soon!!


Friday, August 21, 2015

Week 19 & Week 20 Updates

Well it wasn't exactly soon was it? Ha! But I'll do two updates in one this time! :)

How far along? 19 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: About 7 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Nothing yet! 
Stretch marks? None.
Sleep: Not having any trouble sleeping though these dreams are getting really weird. Ha!
Best moment this week: Finding out what we are having!!!!!
Miss anything?
Movement: Some, not a lot :(
Food cravings:  I got my brownie fix last week but I'm still craving those macarons.
Anything making you queasy or sick? The burgers that my father-in-law was making over the weekend, the smell nearly knocked me down. 
Gender: We find out in a couple days! I'm getting so anxious!!!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Some heartburn.
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy for the most part!
Looking forward to: Finding out whether this baby is a boy or girl! And seeing how my hubs surprises me with the gender!

So this one is going to be a little longer because I thought I'd include how my husband surprised with me with the gender! :) He had big plans because I had been cravings macarons to get blue or pink macarons to give me.  The problem is that we live in a small community and the bakeries here don't make macarons.  (That's not completely true, there is one, but he waited to long to special order them) So one of his coworkers (a SAINT, in my opinion) offered to try to make them.  Knowing how hard they are to make, I felt terrible!  It took a couple tries but she did a GREAT job!  She made a dozen of pink and a dozen of blue.  They were in plain white boxes, he came home for lunch and sat it on the table.  I walked over, opened it, and found a bunch of blue macarons! AHHHH!!! It's a boy!!! We are so incredibly happy!

How far along? 20 weeks & 3 days
Total weight gain: 9 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Nothing yet! 
Stretch marks? None.
Sleep: Some insomnia....not a fan! 
Best moment this week: Feeling all these little movements! :)
Miss anything? Mimosas...always mimosas. Ha!
Movement: So many little movements!!!
Food cravings:  Since getting my brownie & macaron fix I've been good!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.
Gender: BOY! :)
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: I'm hungry...all...the...time.
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!!
Looking forward to: Moving so we can start on the nursery! 

See y'all soon!