Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Check It Out!

Y'all, I'm going to make this one short & sweet, I've got a busy week ahead of me and I'm pretty behind!  So here we go!

I feel like I'm always promoting myself, so I thought today I would take a minute and suggest some other blogs or YouTube channels to check out!  I'm always reading other blogs and watching videos on YouTube, so why not give those people some credit! :)

First, I'll talk about the ones nearest and dearest to me!  Growing up in a small town, you know everyone, and you either love 'em or hate 'em.  I was lucky enough, when I was like 4, to find a girl that I can still to this day call my best friend!  And even better, she started a blog AND does freelance makeup (although I believe she has put it on hold), so I can go to her for tips on my makeup! She doesn't post a lot, but she is a busy little bee and when she does it's worth reading!
Check out Lauren's blog here!

Next I want to talk about another best friend!  This girl and I didn't really become close until our senior year of high school (10 years is getting closer and closer, UGH), but I couldn't be prouder to have her in my life.  She's a little reminder that I need to work on and strengthen my relationship with God.  It's amazing to me how strong she is, she's been through it y'all and one thing you'll never see is her faith waiver!  She recently started up a blog, and I find myself going to it and reading it when I need to find some inner strength.
Check out Haley's blog here!

I'm incredibly lucky to have such talented friends! :)

The next few I'm not going to be able to give so much background, but they are also amazing and you should check them out too!

Jaclyn Hill basically taught me the right way to apply makeup. Ha ha!  Well maybe not exactly, but she did reintroduce me to the joys of putting on my makeup!  And how to make it look better.  I love her videos, she is always making me laugh and she's so relatable.  So what if she carries a $1,000 handbag, if I could afford it, I'd have one too! She also has a blog (found here) that she talks about fashion rather than makeup!

I don't want this to be mostly makeup artists but here's another one! Ha! I found Nicole Guerriero after she did a blindfolded makeup challenge with Jaclyn Hill, and I found myself drawn to her, and now I watch her videos pretty regularly.

One more YouTube channel....for those of you who want a good laugh, don't mind ridiculously colorful language, inappropriateness, and think weird stuff is funny, Jenna Marbles.

My 2 favorite blogs are:

Cupcakes and Cashmere, it's a mix between fashion, DIY, food, beauty, etc.
Stylish Petite, a fashion blog for all us little short women can enjoy! :)

Alright, I said I wasn't going to make this a long one, but here we are....Ha ha!  I'll leave you now, go check out these blogs/YouTube channels.  These women work hard for our enjoyment!

See you soon!


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