Thursday, October 16, 2014

Halloween Costumes...Week 2!

15 days until Halloween!!! It's so exciting, I cannot wait to bust out my costume!  I may do a DIY of the costume before Halloween, or I may wait and recap the costume after Halloween.  I'll decide when the time is closer! Until then, we will continue our weekly costume DIY!

So, couples costumes are adorable.  I love when people decide to combine to make an awesome costume.  That could be why in the recent past, my best friend and I have done costumes together.  But today I wanted to show a REALLY original costume idea that my in-laws did! They always have the most original costumes! I love seeing what they are going to do next. 

As y'all probably remember, there was a big scandal with Anthony Weiner sending out pictures of his "hot dog" out to women under the alias "Carlos Danger". Awkward!  My in-laws took the opportunity to turn the situation into a joke and decided that their costume would center on the controversy.

My mother-in-law decided she was going to be an iPhone. The first thing she had to do was figure out how she was going to make it work.  One of my favorite things about this costume is that it had a "text message" page. HA!  To make the text page, she took poster board and typed out a fake conversation, printed it and glued it on.  Complete with a photo! 

For the iPhone portion of the costume, she bought foam board, as it was sturdier than plain poster board.  To get an authentic look to her iPhone, she printed out apps as well as the Apple icon, the camera, etc. that you would find on an iPhone.  Of course, to make the point of the costume a little more obvious, she attached a few Anthony Weiner stickers.

Once all the icons were on the foam board, it had to be put together!  She cut slits at the top of the front and back of the "phone" and used elastic straps so that she could wear it throughout the night.  After she had attached the "text" page to the costume, she put a binder clip on the side to keep it closed.  It also made it easier when she wanted to "open" the text! Genius! For "Carlos Danger's" (aka Anthony Weiner) costume, they simply got a hot dog costume and he wore an Anthony Weiner button.

I mean seriously, talk about original! They have the best costumes! 

Now it's time for my sister to talk another of my nephew's homemade costumes!


So, after two years of pirates and sword, my son decided he would like to try a different costume.  He decided he wanted to be the Mad Hatter (yes, you have discovered a pattern, Johnny Depp characters. Yes, my child may be a little obsessed with him.  No, I don't mind, I may encourage it. Just saying.).
He had just seen the movie and thought he was "so cool".  This actually wasn't too hard to do because when I started looking at pictures of Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter, it looked like we could basically throw together things from a bunch of different outfits and it would work.

So, find some bright colored socks and mismatch them.  Check.
We used the same dress pants from the pirate costume because they were already too short.  Perfect.
White button up shirt.  Check.
The vest from his pirate costume.  Check.
A scarf we borrowed from my grandmother with flower patterns and tied it in a bow.  Check.

Ok, the hardest part was the hair.  We found the actual replica hat at a local bookstore, so I didn't have to try and make that. But finding the wig was very hard!  Finally, after a last minute decision, I purchased a Merida wig (the princess from Brave) because it was red and curly and there was plenty of hair!  I stuffed most of the hair up into the hat, because it was a little too big on him and this helped keep it steady on his head.  I also didn't mind that hair poked out funny because that is the point of the Mad Hatter anyway!

I put a little white makeup all over his face, but most of what we did was color around his eyes with blue eye shadow.  And there you have it, he was done!

Mason: Age 5

Now this was the first year he got to compete at school in the costume contest.  He got third and he also got his first taste of whats it's like to win something.  And so it began! From that point on, he was determined to have the best costume and get first place. 

There y'all have it! Week 2 is in the books, we will have another week of homemade costumes next Thursday!

See you soon!


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